Erbium Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing

This skin treatment is a fractionally ablative procedure designed to remove superficial to moderately deep lines and wrinkles on the face, hands, neck, and chest. Fractional Laser help to diminish the appearance of redness, light scars, broken capillaries, rosacea, and hyper pigmentation (sunspots) of your skin. Erbium Fractional treatments will improve the overall look and feel of your skin and results in improved tone and texture with less down time than the traditional CO2 Lasers.

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Why Erbium Laser Resurfacing?

Wrinkle Reduction

The laser targets and removes the outermost layer of damaged skin, stimulating collagen production. This leads to a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in smoother and younger-looking skin.

Skin Tightening

By promoting collagen production, the treatment helps improve skin elasticity and firmness. It can lift sagging skin, particularly in areas like the cheeks and jawline.

Scar Improvement

Erbium laser resurfacing can effectively reduce the visibility of certain types of scars, including acne scars and surgical scars, by stimulating new collagen growth and smoothing out the skin's texture.

Sun Damage and Pigmentation

The laser targets areas of hyperpigmentation caused by sun damage, age spots, and other discolorations. This can lead to a more even skin tone and a reduction in pigmentation irregularities.

Skin Texture Improvement

The treatment smoothens the skin's surface, improving its texture and minimizing the appearance of pores.

Minimal Downtime

Erbium Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing is a fractional laser treatment, meaning it creates micro-injuries in the skin while leaving surrounding tissue intact. This results in quicker healing and less downtime compared to traditional ablative laser resurfacing.

Precision and Customization

 The laser can be adjusted to varying intensities and depths, allowing for a customized treatment approach based on the patient's specific concerns and needs.

Non-Surgical Rejuvenation

Erbium Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing offers a non-surgical alternative for facial rejuvenation, making it suitable for individuals who prefer to avoid surgical procedures.

Treatment Areas

  • Small Facial Areas

    Upper Lip                 

    Frown Lines "11s"   

    Marionette Lines     

    Nasolabial Folds     

    Crow’s Feet 

  • Full Face

    Erbium Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing is a popular cosmetic procedure that uses an erbium laser to target and treat specific areas of the skin. This treatment offers several benefits for the face, making it an effective option for addressing various skin concerns and achieving overall facial rejuvenation.

  • Lower Face / Jawline

    Erbium Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing can be beneficial for improving the appearance of the jawline. As we age, the skin on the jawline may lose elasticity and firmness, leading to sagging and a less defined contour. 

  • Jowls / Under Chin

    Erbium Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing can also be beneficial for improving the appearance of the jowl area. The jowls refer to the lower part of the cheeks and jawline that can become saggy and lose definition with age and skin laxity. 

  • Neck

    Erbium Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing can be effective for improving the appearance of the neck as well. The neck is a common area where skin laxity and aging signs can become prominent.

  • Décolletage

    Erbium Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing can be beneficial for improving the appearance of the décolletage area. The décolletage refers to the upper chest and neckline, which can show signs of aging, sun damage, and skin laxity over time.


  • Small Area Laser Resurfacing

    3 Sessions 

    Choose One Small Area

    Upper Lip                 

    Frown Lines "11s"   

    Marionette Lines     

    Nasolabial Folds     

    Crow’s Feet 

  • Medium Area Laser Resurfacing

    3 Sessions

    Choose One Medium Area

    Lower Face / Jawline

    Jowls / Under Chin

    Face w/o Jowls

  • Large Area Laser Resurfacing

    Choose One Large Area

    Face w/ Jowls

    Jowls + Neck       


Why a Package?

Gradual Results

The results of resurfacing are not immediate. The treatment stimulates collagen production over time, leading to gradual skin tightening and rejuvenation. While some individuals may see noticeable improvements after a single session, others may require multiple treatments to achieve their desired results.

Severity of Concerns

The extent of skin damage, wrinkles, and other concerns in the targeted area can determine the number of treatments needed. More severe or deep-seated issues may require additional sessions to address fully.

Individual Response

 Each person's skin responds differently to the treatment, and the number of treatments required may vary based on individual factors such as skin type, age, and overall skin condition.

Treatment Goals

The specific cosmetic goals of the individual play a role in determining the number of treatments. Some individuals may seek more subtle improvements, while others may desire more dramatic results.

Treatment Intensity

The intensity of the laser treatment can be adjusted based on the patient's needs. Depending on the level of skin damage and laxity, multiple sessions with lower intensity may be preferred to minimize downtime and achieve gradual but consistent improvement.

Maintenance and Prevention

 Some individuals choose to have maintenance treatments periodically to sustain the results over time or to prevent further signs of aging

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