Getting Ready for Treatment
Same Day
Days 3-4
First Week
What to Expect
Erbium laser treatment DOES produce side effects. The intensity and duration of the side effects depends on the aggressiveness of treatment as well as individual healing characteristics. Generally, patients who are treated more aggressively experience more intense and longer lasting side effects.
How You May
Look and Feel
Immediately after the treatment, you will experience redness and swelling. You will notice most of the swelling on the first morning after treatment, particularly under the eyes. Swelling and redness usually lasts 3-5 days. To minimize swelling, please do the following:
Most patients complete this process 7-10 days after a treatment on the face. Healing is typically slower (may take up to 2 weeks) on other areas such as hands and arms.
If you notice any blisters, cuts, bruises, crusting, scabs, areas of raw skin, ulcerations, active bleeding, increased discomfort or pain, or any other problems, please call us immediately. We can always be reached after hours through our emergency line and are happy to speak with you any time.
Call or Text: (661) 542-7001
25269 The Old Road, Suite L, Stevenson Ranch, Ca. 91381
Business Hours: Wednesday to Sunday: 10am to 6pm | By Appointment Only